Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Childbirth Prep course... check!
Last weekend Kevin and I completed our Childbirth Prep Course at HealthPark. While typically these types of courses are split up into several once-a-week classes, they removed that option and now only offer it as a crash course 6-hour Saturday class. I actually heard that come the beginning of next year they are considering going 100% online, which I would NOT want.
We were originally scheduled to take this course the weekend before Christmas, but for some reason there was something in me that wanted to get it done early. Before changing it, I made sure that it did not interfere with our game, and we were 100% NOT going to Tallahassee for the weekend (since we've always had a tendency to hop in the car and go). This momma-to-be has had enough of car traveling. Class was 9:00-3:00, Florida State game 3:30. PERFECT.
Coincidentally, I knew 2 other preggos in the class. Both I danced with growing up, and one of the couples being avid Florida State fans as well. We were in good company.
The instructor was an older lady who was so incredibly nice, had 30+ years experience, and had a little spunk. I still can't get out of my mind that she told us one of the ways to get labor going is to go home and have "wild sex". I would definitely recommend getting your Doc's permission lol. She was so precious it was hilarious.
I liked the structure of the course because we were given a workbook, but maybe opened it as a class twice throughout the day. So much better to have someone with hands-on experience give you applicable information than read through a workbook together. You can look at the contents when you get home, but take advantage of "real life" questions while you're in the class. That's one reason why I'd hate taking it online.
The end of the class was capped off with a tour of the birthing wing, and the only picture I snapped the entire day.
Mostly I'd say the class as a whole was informative. It definitely eased my nerves and also answered a lot of questions that I didn't even realize I had. I think Kevin enjoyed it and found it informative as well, which was almost more important to me since he will be in the driver seat come Baby P's decision to make her grand entrance.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Week 29: Yes, blue walls for a girl
I cannot believe this is our last week in the twenties (don't look at me, I've still got a couple of years left in them!). I think I'm in denial. Baby is the size of a Butternut Squash, which is fitting since Thanksgiving is in a few days.
Wow do I look tired in this picture, probably because I am. We were also working with some serious cloudiness, the sun was not cooperating whatsoever.
I've ranted about this before and have learned to deal with it to an extent. The "But you're so small/tiny/etc." comments can really get under my skin. This isn't directed at family and friends that are, in more or less words, telling me I look great for 7 months preggo, which can be read by their tone. What I'm referring to is strangers (or anyone) that has a sense of concern in their tone. Would you like a copy of my medical chart for your viewing pleasure???
Typically I reply with a, "Thanks, but I don't feel small!" because my belly is not small. FOR ME. I had a stranger go bug-eyed at my belly telling me I looked 4 months, and the WAY she said it was genuinely offensive. It was as if she was searching for an explanation. Under pressure I proceed to tell people like this that it's my first and it's a little girl so she's tiny, but that's not the case. Baby P repeatedly clocks in well over the averages for size at our check-ups. I didn't realize being pregnant came with a lack of personal space AND an overdose of rude opinions. I can get through the parenting opinions, but at least be considerate. 11 weeks left. 11 weeks left.
Best moment this week: Getting the nursery painted!! My wonderful mom and aunt came over and had this thing painted in less than a couple of hours. No joke! It took a good 4 months of paint swatches taped on the walls to decide on a color, and it is exactly the shade I envisioned. (Picture is super bad quality and lighting, I'm sure I'll post better ones when the room starts coming together).
Now to decide on the layout of the room.... that won't come until we find a dresser we want. One step at a time.
Movement: Repetitive rib kicks. They are more like massages because it literally feels like her little foot glides up and down my lowest right rib. Sometimes I'll stick my hand there to act as a barrier.
Daddy moment: In our usual bedtime routine (when she is by far her most active), Kevin said he witnessed the impression of her foot on my belly. I'm super jealous. I can usually tell what's moving and where, but I haven't caught a foot outline yet.
Daddy fell asleep with Baby P flopping around like crazy in there.
Pain: The sciatic pain is persistent. When I'm moving around it mostly just feels sore, but every once in a while it is a sharp jabbing pain that has me squatting to the floor in pain regardless of where I'm at. I had to do a penguin shuffle out of TJ Maxx the other day.
Sleep: Same old, same old. Difference is I'm falling asleep easier and easier at night because I am so damn tired when my head hits the pillow! My relentless tossing and turning takes a bit more time because rolling over is getting to be more difficult.
I did take my first daytime nap since the first trimester this week. Holy Cow did I need it, and I'm feeling the urge more and more every day.
Wedding rings: Yup, you guessed it, still falling off. I've been wearing them reversed with my band on the outside and my engagement ring on the inside, but they are both still super loose.
Fear this week: Reading that the 3rd trimester is the MOST IMPORTANT when it comes to nutrition and eating right. While I could tell myself "well, hey! I can start fresh from here!", it's just tougher than it seems. And I don't want to let her down!
Cravings: It's so strange, I don't have any dramatic cravings for anything in particular that have Kevin running to the store in a frenzy. And let me tell you, I am typically the cravings type of gal. I have wanted California Pizza Kitchen REALLY REALLY badly over the last few months, but just haven't had the opportunity to make the 45 minute drive to the shopping center it's located at. Obviously it's not that powerful of a craving if I still have yet to fulfill it.
Looking forward to: Doctor's appointment tomorrow! I always get excited for them because I love the reassurance that everything is on track. And, it's the only time I find out my "updated" weight. Perfect timing to be just before Thanksgiving!!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Jacksonville Baby Shower
Last weekend we traveled to Jacksonville for our first Baby Shower hosted by Kevin's sisters and Mom. It was intimate and incredibly special, just perfect for our Lil Princess. Of course, Cinderella themed. Though I'm not sure if it's because our little one will love Cinderella or because I love Cinderella :-) (or because our whole family loves Disney!).
During the entire Registering process I began to get a bit disheartened, thinking there's no way we'll EVER be able to get all of the stuff that Baby P needs (forget about the "wants"). Well, this is obviously why people have showers. I never truly grasped the importance of buying stuff off someone's registry until now (more so for a baby shower than a wedding shower). My pregnancy has been extremely hormonal, but just the thought of people purchasing stuff just for Baby P has me very emotional. And seeing each item, every article of clothing, every baby sock, every diaper, makes me more grateful for our loved ones. And it definitely helps ease a bit (read: a lot) of the tension in this house being able to visualize it all coming together before she gets here.
Kevin's sister was an incredible host and the decorations were so sweet and too perfect.
Trying my hand at guessing what exactly was in that diaper:
And I was so happy to be able to have Kevin join us to open the gifts because, quite franky, I'm not one for being the center of attention. I get really nervous having people focus attention on me, so it was nice to be able to share it with Kevin.
That is literally a crate full of handmade headbands and headbows!!! Baby P definitely has a nice collection already... I was in headband heaven!
And The Cake. Oh The Cake. The Centerpiece in all its glory. Let me tell you NONE of us wanted to cut into this thing.
But we did. And it was delicious.
Here are a few more details from the event:
I am so grateful for my husband's family, who made me a part of their family from Day 1.
This event was fit only for a princess. Everyone's waiting for your Grand Entrance, Lil Princess!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Week 28: Rib kicks, Mommy fears, and Baby books
Every week just seems more and more surreal. There's no way I've been pregnant for 28 weeks, is there? There's no way Baby Girl will grace us with her presence sometime in the next 12 weeks. And she just keeps getting bigger. Baby P is the size of an Eggplant this week. She can now open and shut her eyelids (they've been fused shut until now).
It drives me NUTS when the picture frame is tilted in the picture and the photographer doesn't say anything!! Rant over. I'm very grateful for my photographer and fruit drawer.
New this week: I got kicked in the ribs the first time this week. I've heard this hurts, it wasn't necessarily painful, but similar to the sensation of someone pushing a painful bruise. It will definitely stop you in your tracks. Perhaps it gets more painful as she gets bigger, but most of her kicks are off to the side of my belly.
I've had a very strong, and what I'm assuming, instinctual realization this week. With only 12 weeks left until our Lil Princess makes her grand entrance, I have this sudden fear of her not being protected by the safety of my belly. With her being in my belly, I know where she's at and what she's doing at all times. I have complete control of her safety and full protection over her. Once she comes into this world, while I can still protect her and care for her, I lose so much control over her safety. I guess this is just the first step in the very scary adventure of parenthood.
Special moment: Aside from completing our Childbirth Class (which I'll write about separately), Kevin and I looked through my Baby Book together.
I know the Pediatrician we chose for Baby P was my doctor growing up, but I didn't know he was legitimately the doctor my parents chose for me at birth. Pretty Cool.
I'm so happy my mom did a Baby Book and makes me wonder if having this blog will be as special for Baby P as the baby book was to me. Or should I plan to do a baby scrapbook. We shall see.
Pain: Aside from my persistent back pain, I've had some sciatica pain this week. I went out to walk earlier today and had to turn around because I could barely stand. It's still been radiating through my butt/hip all day today, and there hasn't been much to alleviate it. I'll be trying the heating pad tonight.
Sleep: I actually got a couple of good nights' sleep this week. But to supplement, another couple not so good. I think I've finally trained by brain to just give up on the tossing and turning and stay on its left side.
Exercise: Not being able to jog is making me go a bit crazy. I. NEED. TO JOG. ugh. Sure I've found alternative routes to expend some energy, but it's not the same.
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery painted!! I never thought it would happen, but we decided on a color. This was a biggie. We've had countless paint swatches taped to her wall for the last SEVERAL months. It came down to 2 and finally 1 today after getting a couple samples. I will surely share as soon as it is completed!
It drives me NUTS when the picture frame is tilted in the picture and the photographer doesn't say anything!! Rant over. I'm very grateful for my photographer and fruit drawer.
New this week: I got kicked in the ribs the first time this week. I've heard this hurts, it wasn't necessarily painful, but similar to the sensation of someone pushing a painful bruise. It will definitely stop you in your tracks. Perhaps it gets more painful as she gets bigger, but most of her kicks are off to the side of my belly.
I've had a very strong, and what I'm assuming, instinctual realization this week. With only 12 weeks left until our Lil Princess makes her grand entrance, I have this sudden fear of her not being protected by the safety of my belly. With her being in my belly, I know where she's at and what she's doing at all times. I have complete control of her safety and full protection over her. Once she comes into this world, while I can still protect her and care for her, I lose so much control over her safety. I guess this is just the first step in the very scary adventure of parenthood.
Special moment: Aside from completing our Childbirth Class (which I'll write about separately), Kevin and I looked through my Baby Book together.
I know the Pediatrician we chose for Baby P was my doctor growing up, but I didn't know he was legitimately the doctor my parents chose for me at birth. Pretty Cool.
I'm so happy my mom did a Baby Book and makes me wonder if having this blog will be as special for Baby P as the baby book was to me. Or should I plan to do a baby scrapbook. We shall see.
Pain: Aside from my persistent back pain, I've had some sciatica pain this week. I went out to walk earlier today and had to turn around because I could barely stand. It's still been radiating through my butt/hip all day today, and there hasn't been much to alleviate it. I'll be trying the heating pad tonight.
Sleep: I actually got a couple of good nights' sleep this week. But to supplement, another couple not so good. I think I've finally trained by brain to just give up on the tossing and turning and stay on its left side.
Exercise: Not being able to jog is making me go a bit crazy. I. NEED. TO JOG. ugh. Sure I've found alternative routes to expend some energy, but it's not the same.
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery painted!! I never thought it would happen, but we decided on a color. This was a biggie. We've had countless paint swatches taped to her wall for the last SEVERAL months. It came down to 2 and finally 1 today after getting a couple samples. I will surely share as soon as it is completed!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Week 27: The beginning of the end
Hello Third Trimester!!!
deep breath. in shock by that statement.
This week, Baby is the size of a Rutabaga. Now, for you other preggos out there, I know, I know, we are all shuffled around on what sized fruit Baby P is, but quite frankly, that's not what the pictures are for anyway. They are for that rapidly growing Baby Bump. And everything out there is saying she's roughly 2 pounds, when last week she clocked in at 2.2 at our Ultrasound appointment.
I want to add that I LOVE LOVE LOVE these maternity pants, they are my go to professional/work pants. I got them at Destination Maternity, they are Motherhood Maternity brand, $34 full price. But to have them for work is priceless. Washer/Dryer friendly, and figure friendly.
Movement: All I can say is Wow. You can officially begin to decipher body parts flying across my mid-section. She must be in there doing Mouse-rcise or something because this baby literally NEVER SLEEPS. There is always something going on in there, and I wish I knew what it was about the inside of my belly that's so fascinating.
And for those that aren't aware of Mousercise or didn't get excited to accidentally wake up at 5:30 AM when it came on, this is what you were missing as a child:
Oh, and Baby P gets the Hiccups at least once a day. Sometimes they are so strong it gives me the same feeling as if I had a case of the hiccups.
Wedding Rings: So incredibly bizarre, but they are still literally falling off of me.
Back pain: Getting bad. Especially my left side just beside my back bone. I'm just hoping that it's not related to my minor scoliosis and that it doesn't continue to get worse.
Innie or Outie: I think my belly button is what gives away that I'm not just fat. You can definitely see it through most shirts I wear. It may sound weird, but I think my belly button that is sticking out (not 100% all the way out yet) is cute and I cannot stop touching it. lol. Yeah, that does sound weird.
Cravings: Still Candy. Our leftovers from Halloween are rapidly diminishing. I haven't had any wayyy out there cravings really. And everyone I've talked to that is having or has had a baby admits to the husband/significant other doing late night runs for food, or whatever. 2/3 of the way through, and that still hasn't happened. Likely just jinxed Kevin. He has voluntarily surprised me with an evening run to the store before, but by no means encouraged or provoked.
Missing anything: I know most of you would think, obviously Elyse would miss her wine, and of course beer on gamedays. Oddly, this just isn't the case. I'm enjoying my newfound weekend morning clarity, though I cannot wait to have a glass [or bottle] of red wine again. And I do miss Sushi very, very, very badly. AND certain types of cheeses on my favorite salads.
Exercise: It took a while, but I now have Kevin officially on schedule with my walks with the dogs every morning. No more talking me out of it, or skipping (to which I threaten to take them alone). Since the dog walks are not sufficient enough, My routine switches from going back out to walk or a prenatal workout DVD.... which I'll try to write about in a future post.
deep breath. in shock by that statement.
This week, Baby is the size of a Rutabaga. Now, for you other preggos out there, I know, I know, we are all shuffled around on what sized fruit Baby P is, but quite frankly, that's not what the pictures are for anyway. They are for that rapidly growing Baby Bump. And everything out there is saying she's roughly 2 pounds, when last week she clocked in at 2.2 at our Ultrasound appointment.
I want to add that I LOVE LOVE LOVE these maternity pants, they are my go to professional/work pants. I got them at Destination Maternity, they are Motherhood Maternity brand, $34 full price. But to have them for work is priceless. Washer/Dryer friendly, and figure friendly.
Movement: All I can say is Wow. You can officially begin to decipher body parts flying across my mid-section. She must be in there doing Mouse-rcise or something because this baby literally NEVER SLEEPS. There is always something going on in there, and I wish I knew what it was about the inside of my belly that's so fascinating.
And for those that aren't aware of Mousercise or didn't get excited to accidentally wake up at 5:30 AM when it came on, this is what you were missing as a child:
Oh, and Baby P gets the Hiccups at least once a day. Sometimes they are so strong it gives me the same feeling as if I had a case of the hiccups.
Wedding Rings: So incredibly bizarre, but they are still literally falling off of me.
Back pain: Getting bad. Especially my left side just beside my back bone. I'm just hoping that it's not related to my minor scoliosis and that it doesn't continue to get worse.
Innie or Outie: I think my belly button is what gives away that I'm not just fat. You can definitely see it through most shirts I wear. It may sound weird, but I think my belly button that is sticking out (not 100% all the way out yet) is cute and I cannot stop touching it. lol. Yeah, that does sound weird.
Cravings: Still Candy. Our leftovers from Halloween are rapidly diminishing. I haven't had any wayyy out there cravings really. And everyone I've talked to that is having or has had a baby admits to the husband/significant other doing late night runs for food, or whatever. 2/3 of the way through, and that still hasn't happened. Likely just jinxed Kevin. He has voluntarily surprised me with an evening run to the store before, but by no means encouraged or provoked.
Missing anything: I know most of you would think, obviously Elyse would miss her wine, and of course beer on gamedays. Oddly, this just isn't the case. I'm enjoying my newfound weekend morning clarity, though I cannot wait to have a glass [or bottle] of red wine again. And I do miss Sushi very, very, very badly. AND certain types of cheeses on my favorite salads.
Exercise: It took a while, but I now have Kevin officially on schedule with my walks with the dogs every morning. No more talking me out of it, or skipping (to which I threaten to take them alone). Since the dog walks are not sufficient enough, My routine switches from going back out to walk or a prenatal workout DVD.... which I'll try to write about in a future post.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Ultrasound: Over the moon!
So this ultrasound was incredibly exciting!
First and foremost, we got great news on some of the blanks that were left open from our last ultrasound back at the beginning of September. You see, Baby P is screwed (or I should say we, her parents, are screwed). Her dad is stubborn, I'm stubborn. It's inevitable and already apparent that she is as well. She likes to make sure she is right in the way of anything that needs to be checked, which also meant that I had to have both types of ultrasounds this trip. You know, both. Fun! Lil Princess was not pleased with the internal one, she was kicking the highest I've ever felt her kick to date. Either way, they managed to screen everything this time, and she and I are healthy and right on track!
To the exciting part. We noticed our Doc was in the office this day, which usually he isn't there on Ultrasound days. We were greeted into the room with him, the ultrasound tech, and a rep.... for a new ultrasound machine they were testing! We didn't know what this meant until we saw them playing with some settings. And then, voila, there she was, in 4D! Totally unexpected!
As an aside, we had gone back and forth on whether to spend the money on a 3D/4D ultrasound. I kinda think they make babies look like aliens and wasn't sure I wanted to splurge. But interestingly on the way to the appointment, Kevin and I had discussed it, and I had expressed my new desire to do it.
While we only got to take home 1 picture of the 4D (again, they said she wasn't cooperating), that 1 picture and getting to see her was plenty enough. Kevin and I keep telling one another we can't stop looking at it. She is just perfect.
They said she has a big head full of brains, and it couldn't be more perfectly shaped :-). After a relatively nerve-wracking previous ultrasound, we are over the moon after this one and even more anxious for her to finally get here.
These updates are from last week (week 26), so these updates will likely be stacked together, so long as I can find some time to post Week 27 soon!
Size: Interestingly, while a couple of websites I have been using have her at roughly 1 2/3 pounds this weeks, we found out at our ultrasound that she is approximately 2.2 pounds! Her heartbeat has slowed down, which is typical, to about 132 beats per minute.
Sleep: No bueno. Waking up and rolling over all night. And it's in slow motion too because the ligaments in my belly are very, very sore when I roll and I am absolutely PETRIFIED to trigger another one of those painful episodes that I experienced a few weeks back.
Weight: I'm at plus 4 pounds from last month!! Overall I'm at plus 11 pounds. Officially seeing numbers on the scale I've never seen before. The more I gain, the more I feel like I need a scale in this actual house. But then again, I'm staying active, [trying to] eat healthy, I'm listening to my body, so I trust that I will gain the amount of weight I am intended to gain.
Exercise: Speaking of staying active. It's official. Doc asked me to cool it on the jogging. I'm so bummed. I've been having these cramps when I jog that feel like when you exercise and haven't drank enough water. But I drink water like a camel. I'm pretty upset I'm losing what I would consider my sanity, but I'll stick to walking and this pre-natal exercise DVD I've used a few times.
Our Jacksonville shower was this weekend, and we were incredibly excited to finally see the family. We haven't seen them since we shared the news back at the beginning of July!! Can't wait to share.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Week 26: Baby P goes to the Capital
This week was a bit different than most (similar to week 15 when Baby went to Disney). Kevin and I made a last minute decision to make the trek to the promised land, our Alma Mater, Tallahassee, for one of the season's biggest games, the FSU vs. UM game.
Baby P is the size of a scallion this week, though I'd prefer to say she's the length of, because I hope she's not that skinny! Other sources say she's the size of a cucumber! She is roughly 2 pounds, her hearing is improving and she is practicing her breathing in amniotic fluid (and getting A TON of hiccups in the process).
We have been known for spontaneously deciding to hop in the car and head somewhere (read: Disney or Tallahassee), and we knew this was likely our last opportunity.
After experiencing tailgating and the game, I can confirm that it would be our last time, at least making the 6 hour drive to a game this year. We walked miles upon miles to tailgate, to stand in line at the porto-potty over and over again, to watch almost the entire game standing (I took a few breaks to stare at some backs), to walk more miles to get back to our car, for this momma to spend more than an hour behind the wheel in bumper-to-bumper traffic, to have to settle for Taco Bell (blah!) at 2 am.
Now, don't you dare get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I had a flippin' blast and always love watching my Noles play, but I have never been more physically exhausted in my entire life. And yes, I stayed for the ENTIRE game!
But oh did it ever feel fantastic to be in Tallahassee.
Florida State football, beautiful weather, friends, and incredible family that were all extremely gracious and excited for Baby P's "first" tailgating experience.
I already miss it. And I am SOOOO incredibly sad that my friend (who is 10 weeks ahead of me) and I didn't get a single picture together, and we even stayed at her place! She is about to pop, and I'm so disappointed we won't see them again until their baby boy arrives!
I honestly can't talk much about any major developments that I typically bullet point because this week was a frenzy. But I will say how incredible it is to feel like she's more and more of a human being every day. We got our Ultrasound done yesterday, so I will be posting about that separately and include some of my more regular updates.
Baby P is the size of a scallion this week, though I'd prefer to say she's the length of, because I hope she's not that skinny! Other sources say she's the size of a cucumber! She is roughly 2 pounds, her hearing is improving and she is practicing her breathing in amniotic fluid (and getting A TON of hiccups in the process).
We have been known for spontaneously deciding to hop in the car and head somewhere (read: Disney or Tallahassee), and we knew this was likely our last opportunity.
After experiencing tailgating and the game, I can confirm that it would be our last time, at least making the 6 hour drive to a game this year. We walked miles upon miles to tailgate, to stand in line at the porto-potty over and over again, to watch almost the entire game standing (I took a few breaks to stare at some backs), to walk more miles to get back to our car, for this momma to spend more than an hour behind the wheel in bumper-to-bumper traffic, to have to settle for Taco Bell (blah!) at 2 am.
Now, don't you dare get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I had a flippin' blast and always love watching my Noles play, but I have never been more physically exhausted in my entire life. And yes, I stayed for the ENTIRE game!
But oh did it ever feel fantastic to be in Tallahassee.
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yeah, that's me. |
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That's the best I got. |
Florida State football, beautiful weather, friends, and incredible family that were all extremely gracious and excited for Baby P's "first" tailgating experience.
I already miss it. And I am SOOOO incredibly sad that my friend (who is 10 weeks ahead of me) and I didn't get a single picture together, and we even stayed at her place! She is about to pop, and I'm so disappointed we won't see them again until their baby boy arrives!
I honestly can't talk much about any major developments that I typically bullet point because this week was a frenzy. But I will say how incredible it is to feel like she's more and more of a human being every day. We got our Ultrasound done yesterday, so I will be posting about that separately and include some of my more regular updates.
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