Thursday, March 5, 2015

McKenna is 13 months!

Firsts off I have to say....


I can't begin to go through how busy life has been lately. I teetered on whether to continue her monthly update pictures.... but I just can't put that sort of pressure on myself with as busy as I have been lately. The child won't sit still for less than a millisecond, and the idea of distressing her just to snap a picture is not worth it..... and I'm so busy I haven't even been able to decorate for holidays or do any holiday crafting!

McKenna the Busy Bee has much to do with this change in busy-ness.  She's taken her first steps, but still not "walking." But when she wants to go somewhere, she's going, and she doesn't care who's in her way or trying to stop her.  Since she turned 12 months old, she is doing something new EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!  Yesterday is was finding her ears, tongue, nose, and eyes. Today was covering her mouth when she fake coughs (pure mockery at its finest).  She catches on to something before I even realize I'm teaching it to her.  I always try to say "I'm not a teacher, she's a learner." She chooses how much and what she wants to take in, I have no control over it, all I can do is provide a stimulating environment for her to learn.

Here are a few other new things she's been doing in the last MONTH.

She "Shhhhhh"s when someone is sleeping (usually with her finger going up her nose... possible the cutest thing ever).
She mocks Black Chief's yawn.
If you ask her where McKenna is, she'll give her stomach a hug
She knows animal sounds! Moo, Elephant trumpet, Snake slither, Gorilla thud, Monkey ooooahhh
She plays pattycake and claps her hands.
She dances when music comes on.
She shakes her head "no" furiously.
She blinks/squints her eyes when you ask if she has something in them.
She shrugs her shoulders when we say "I don't know"
I can't even think of all of the things she does.

She's been trying her hand at actually using her utensils (and not just imitating). Tonight she poked a bean and ate it.

No joke, she knows certain Disney characters. We don't even watch movies or shows that often, but we sing and dance to their music all of the time so she'll point at the corresponding Disney princess.

She actually doesn't say legitimate words with intent very often (though she says dada, dog, chief, teddy, and a few more), but she does a wonderful job imitating words and sounds as we say them.

Pretty much everything she's doing right now is the most heartmelting think in the entire world. I can't even keep track of all of the fun and exciting things she continues to learn.  Hopefully I can get back into the blog of things and share it all with you!! Miss you xoxo

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