Monday, January 2, 2017

2017: The McKenna Update

You might be wondering to yourself: WHO IN THE HADES is this person taking over a dead blog??
Well, it's me. Elyse. Mom of McKenna, Chief, & Boogs. Wife of Kevin. Stay a home mom turned small business owner! Yup. A lot has happened. I feel ashamed that I have not kept up with milestones and life, but the adjustment of moving, toddlerhood, a husband working endless hours hit me hard enough to set it aside for a while. I'm not committing to anything so don't get too excited, but I did want to come and chat with you (aka Myself).

Two years old held quite a bit of "lots" for McKenna.. let's just say she's officially an independent human being with some very independent views and opinions on life.  I didn't even check to see when the last time I made a post was, but we've had some significant things happen like potty training, weaning, and starting school to name a couple!

McKenna took on Potty Training herself not long after her second birthday last February (2016). We did a lot of naked time in front of the tv with the small potty, lots of ooopsies, and lots of excitement for forward progress. Truly, I believe it was going out of town that pushed her to consistency. I actually hadn't really intended to potty train when we went to Miami for a couple of days because it was so early in the process so I didn't even bring her little potty.  Lo and behold, even while wearing a diaper she informed us when she needed to go and we just plopped her on the big potty at the hotel. Upon our return, she was no longer interested in a baby potty and wanted the seat for on top of the toilet.  There really wasn't much looking back for her. She even night trained within a few months on her own.... we have had a setback recently and decided to just start wearing dipeys again because having accidents wasn't waking her up anymore.  I guess she sleeps as heavy as her daddy does!

Speaking of sleep, McKenna was down to nursing at bedtime for several several months.  We were very grateful that any changes to her "routine" (aka removing nursing sessions) were met with an understandable and manageable amount of an adjustment period. Even experimenting with that last session was trial and error, but she seemed to know and understand that she was OK without it anymore.  We spent several weeks working toward no longer nursing to sleep and I would spend extra time reading/rocking with her or we would have daddy come in to the helm.  Then, one day, it was just the day it didn't happen. No dramatic ending, no sadness. We just went a few days without (as she had done before) and then she never asked again.  It wasn't until a couple weeks later I looked back at some of my "final" nursing selfies to realize that it was over.  The beginning was a tough journey for us, but if you asked me that I would nurse a child until they were 2 years, 4 months old I would have told you you were crazy! Funny, I could say that about a lot of parenting decisions! :)

Potty Training and nursing are covered. I need to get back to Momming and hopefully I can come back and update more on school and just McKenna's incredible personality in general.  Good chatting with you again, hopefully we do it again soon ;-)

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