Monday, December 23, 2013

Week 33: Slow & steady... wins the race, I hope!

This week, Baby P is finally the size of a normal darn fruit: a Pineapple!! Sources say she can range anywhere in the 4-5 pound range.  At our most recent appointment, her heart rate was at 135.  She also decided to steal the show and did some back flips and somersaults for Kevin and Doc.

I'm getting more and more unimpressed with my photogenicity (is that even a word?). Or I'm caring less and less what I look like.  I will say that I spent a good 2-3 hours having an emotional breakdown before this picture was taken.  Her nursery is coming together and we have all of the "big" stuff we may (or may not) need, but I still feel so unprepared.  Most of our family and friends that have had babies live elsewhere, so Kevin and I are honestly flying super blind into this parenthood thing.  Let me put it this way, I've never changed a diaper. But none of this was bothering me until I've recently found myself having several "oh sh*t, we don't have ANY of [this]" or "ummm, we're supposed to have [that]?" moments. Like we're talking standard things like mittens and hats. And every time I cross something off our Master Baby List I seem to add 2-3 more things because they "dawned" on me or were mentioned to me in passing. Yes, we will survive because there is a Target right up the road for emergencies, I just want her homecoming as calm and easy as possible.

Energy:  What energy?  I've been crashing halfway through the day almost daily.  And my backpain is just pervasive.  I can never get comfortable. And I am all around slowing down. Getting up, sitting down, laying down, rolling over, walking, it is all in slow motion.

Movement: She still gets the hiccups a good 3-4 times a day. The last couple of appointments we've heard her head is in position where it should be. I can't believe how low it already is, I would have never guessed until Doc pointed it out to us.

Weight: Strangely at my last appointment, I LOST a pound! WTF. It freaked me out a bit, but Doc said not to worry. One single pound can be a matter of water weight.

Exercise: My desire and motivation has plummeted, but I still think it's important to remain active.  We take the Pups out almost every morning, and I'll sometimes go back out to walk or put on the prenatal exercise DVD.

Cravings:  Again, nothing specific, but overall, I've been craving some serious chocolate. And it surely doesn't help that my Mom and I baked Christmas cookies today!!! It was one of the toughest things I've done all pregnancy: having all of that cookie dough around me.  But I survived until they came out baked.

I didn't even get a picture of the finished product!! But, here's some during the chaos. My mom and I have 2 very different baking techniques. This is hers :-).

Looking forward to:  Christmas... duh! This will likely be the last Christmas we get to sleep in for a good 15-20+ years, so I think we'll take it as easy and slow as we can.

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